Download Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Movie Download

Download Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Imdb rating: 7.9 (with 109442 votes)
Year: 2005
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Storyline

A maturing Anakin Skywalker goes to the dark side of The Force and becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader. We experience the transformation in a dark, scary yet thrilling climax. The story here logically sets up the events of Episode IV, the original 1977 Star Wars movie in which Darth Vader goes to war against his own children, Luke and Leia.


McGregor, Ewan as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Portman, Natalie as Padmé, Christensen, Hayden as Anakin Skywalker, McDiarmid, Ian as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Jackson, Samuel L. as Mace Windu, Smits, Jimmy as Senator Bail Organa, Oz, Frank as Yoda, Daniels, Anthony as C-3PO, Lee, Christopher as Count Dooku, Castle-Hughes, Keisha as Queen of Naboo, Carson, Silas as Ki-Adi-Mundi & Nute Gunray, Laga'aia, Jay as Captain Typho, Spence, Bruce as Tion Medon, Pygram, Wayne as Governor Tarkin, Morrison, Temuera as Commander Cody

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith goofs

  • CONT: In the final battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin, the river of lava reverses direction of flow. When Obi-Wan jumps off the platform, the river flows towards his right, but in the next shot of Anakin, it is flowing towards Obi-Wan's left.
  • CONT: When Mace Windu gets on the air transport and tells Anakin to stay behind, the shadow of the vehicle disappears in the shot when Anakin is seen alone, but reappears in the next shot when we see the vehicle take off.
  • FAIR: The button Padme pushes to start her ship near the end of the film is the same "magic" button that has two functions in "Attack Of The Clones". It's shot in exactly the same way and is a deliberate joke.
  • FAKE: When Padme enters her royal Naboo starship bound for Mustafar, the Coruscant skyline is full of air traffic. Yet none of the traffic is reflected in the ship's shiny mirror-like body.
  • CONT: When Palpatine battles Mace Windu and his fellow Jedi Council members, Palpatine's lightsaber handle changes to Anakin's handle. This is because the scene was originally shot with Palpatine using Anakin's blade.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith trivia

  • The final scene on Tatooine, where Obi-Wan Kenobi delivers the infant Luke to his aunt and uncle, is often referred to as the "Harry Potter scene". Composer 'John Williams (I)' (qv) included a small 11-tone musical cue in the scene reminiscent of his score for _Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)_ (qv). It can be heard when Obi-Wan arrives at Owen and Beru's house.
  • 'Ewan McGregor' (qv) apparently asked if he could also play one of the Emperor's red-robed Imperial Guards. However it's not known whether he did or not.
  • The very last scene of the movie (where Obi Wan hands away Luke) was the first shot to be filmed. Background plate photography for the sun setting over the Lars Homestead set in Tunisia was filmed during production of _Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)_ (qv) in 2001.
  • The battle with Wookiees dates back to the earliest screenplays of _Star Wars (1977)_ (qv). Originally, the Wookiees were supposed to help the Rebels conquer an Imperial bunker. This idea was the basis for the Battle of Endor in _Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)_ (qv), but instead of using Wookiees, 'George Lucas' (qv) decided to use a smaller furry race and call them Ewoks.
  • The role of Captain Antilles was originally offered to 'Denis Lawson' (qv), who played Wedge Antilles in the original trilogy.

Download Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

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